Vongole Veraci

Transport yourself to the coast of Italy with this classic Vongole Veraci recipe, a delectable seafood dish featuring tender clams and al dente spaghetti. This recipe highlights the freshness of clams, which are cleaned and cooked to perfection in a garlic and parsley-infused sauce.

The key is to ensure that the clams are thoroughly purged of any sand, leading to a delightful, sandy-free bite. With simple yet flavorful ingredients, this dish captures the essence of Italian coastal cuisine, offering a taste of the Mediterranean in every forkful.

Enjoy the harmony of briny clams and aromatic herbs in this elegant and satisfying pasta dish.

Vongole Veraci


Thick spaghetti 320 gRummage

Clams 1 kg

Garlic 1 clove

Parsley 1 bunch

Extra virgin olive oil to taste

Black pepper to taste

Add salt to taste

Coarse salt for the clams to taste


Step 1:

To prepare spaghetti with clams, start by cleaning them.

Make sure there are no broken or empty shells, they should be discarded.

Then beat them against the sink, or possibly on a cutting board.

This operation is important to verify that there is no sand inside: healthy bivalves will remain closed, while those full of sand will open.

Then place the clams in a bowl and rinse them.

Add the coarse salt.

Step 2:

Soak the clams for 2-3 hours.

After the time has passed, the clams will have purged any residual sand, drain them and rinse them.

In a pan, heat a little oil.

Then add a clove of garlic and let it brown.

Step 3:

Then dip the clams into the hot pan.

Close with the lid8and let it cook for a few minutes on high heat.

The clams will open with the heat, so shake the pan from time to time until they have completely opened.

In the meantime, finely chop the parsley.

Step 4:

As soon as all the clams are open turn off the heat immediately, otherwise the clams will overcook.

Cook the spaghetti in plenty of lightly salted water, for half the cooking time indicated on the package.

In the meantime, filter the clams, placing a bowl underneath and remembering to remove the garlic.

Step 5:

This way you will collect the cooking water of the clams in the bowl.

Transfer it to the pan where you cooked the clams and as soon as the spaghetti is ready, drain it, keeping the cooking water aside.

Transfer it to the pan with the sauce.

Step 6:

Add a ladle of cooking water, season with pepper and finish cooking the spaghetti, adding more water if necessary.

When they are ready, add the clams.

Step 7:

Also add the parsley, skip briefly and serve your spaghetti with clams immediately.


Clam Selection: Ensure the clams are fresh and from a reliable source. Discard any clams that are broken or do not close when tapped, as these may be dead and unsafe to eat.

Sand Purging: Properly purging the clams is crucial to avoid a gritty texture. The coarse salt helps the clams expel sand. Soaking them for 2-3 hours is typically sufficient, but a longer soak can be beneficial for very sandy clams.

Garlic Browning: Be cautious not to burn the garlic as it can turn bitter. Remove it once it’s golden brown to avoid overcooking.

Pasta Cooking: Cook the spaghetti slightly less than the package instructions indicate (al dente), as it will continue to cook in the clam sauce and absorb flavors.

Clam Juice: Save the clam cooking water for enhancing the pasta sauce. Strain it through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any sand or grit before adding it back to the pan.

Heat Management: Once the clams have opened, remove them from heat immediately to prevent overcooking. Overcooked clams become tough and rubbery.

Parsley Timing: Add the parsley at the end of cooking to preserve its fresh flavor and vibrant color.

Seasoning: Adjust the seasoning with salt and black pepper to taste, keeping in mind that the clam juice and pasta cooking water may already contribute some saltiness.

Serving: Serve the dish immediately after combining the pasta and clams to ensure the pasta remains coated with the flavorful sauce and the clams stay tender.

Leftovers: This dish is best enjoyed fresh. If you have leftovers, store them in an airtight container and reheat gently to avoid overcooking the clams.

Nutrition Information:


Calories: 540 kcal | Protein: 28 g | Fat: 16 g | Saturated Fat: 3 g | Carbohydrates: 72 g | Dietary Fiber: 3 g | Sugars: 2 g | Cholesterol: 80 mg | Sodium: 720 mg | Calcium: 100 mg | Iron: 5 mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I know if the clams are fresh?

Fresh clams should be tightly closed or close when tapped.

Discard any that are open and do not close, as they may be dead and unsafe to eat.

Can I use a different type of pasta for this recipe?

While thick spaghetti is traditional, you can use other pasta types such as linguine or fettuccine if preferred.

Just be sure to adjust the cooking time as needed.

Why is it important to soak the clams in saltwater?

Soaking clams in saltwater helps purge any residual sand from their shells, ensuring a cleaner and more enjoyable dish.

What can I do if some of the clams don’t open during cooking?

Clams that do not open during cooking should be discarded, as they may be overcooked or not safe to eat.

Can I prepare the clams ahead of time?

Clams can be cleaned and soaked ahead of time, but they are best cooked fresh.

If preparing in advance, keep them refrigerated until ready to cook.

How can I make the dish spicier?

To add heat, you can include red pepper flakes or finely chopped fresh chili peppers to the pan with the garlic.

Adjust to taste.

Can I use canned clams instead of fresh?

While fresh clams are recommended for the best flavor and texture, you can use canned clams if fresh ones are not available.

Adjust the cooking time accordingly and add them towards the end of the cooking process.

How do I filter the clam cooking water effectively?

To filter the clam cooking water, pour it through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove any sand or grit.

This ensures a smoother sauce.

What can I use instead of white wine in this recipe?

If you prefer not to use white wine, you can substitute with vegetable or chicken broth, or simply use additional clam cooking water for flavor.

How should I store leftovers?

Store leftover spaghetti with clams in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

Reheat gently to avoid overcooking the clams.

Note that the pasta may absorb some of the sauce and become softer upon reheating.

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