Stuffed Artichokes

Stuffed Artichokes


6 Artichokes

Lemon Juice

Italian Breadcrumbs


Fresh minced garlic

Fresh chopped parsley

Black pepper


Grated cheese



Step 1:

Prepare artichokes: trim the sharp points off of each leaf with scissors.

Cut stems off, so that each artichoke stands up straight.

Cut off the top of each artichoke (about 2 inches) and open the artichoke a bit, using thumbs.

Run artichokes under running water to rinse.

Turn over and drain.

Place artichokes in large pot and cover with water.

Add some lemon juice or halfed lemons (a good splash).

Par boil artichokes (about 15 minutes).

Drain artichokes and let cool, until you can handle them.

Take a tablespoon or melon scooper and dig out the choke from the center of the artichoke, scraping until all the white sharp leaves and the fuzzy, hair-like stuff is removed.

Rinse and drain artichokes again.

Step 2:

In a very large bowl, combine 3 cups breadcrumbs, 3 cloves chopped garlic, about a tbsp.

Dry basil or chopped fresh, a fist full of chopped parsley, 2 cups grated cheese, pepper and salt to taste, and a half stick melted butter.

Toss to combine.

Step 3:

Place an artichoke upright in the bowl, and using your fingers fill in liberally between the leaves and the center with the mixture.

Make sure you fill in well but don’t “pack” it in.

Place the filled artichoke in a cooking vessel and repeat process until all artichokes are filled.

Step 4:

When done, sprinkle more grated cheese and pepper on the artichokes and drizzle olive oil on each artichoke.

Step 5:

Cook: Your Choice of A or B

A) Place artichokes in deep roasting pan (the heavy duty throw away pans are good). Fill the pan with water (about 1/3 up the side of the artichokes) and cover tightly with foil or lid. Cook in a 350 oven for about 45 minutes. You must check periodically and add water as necessary. When you check, also baste the artichokes with the cooking water to keep moist. Artichokes are done when leaves are tender and pull off easily. Take the lid/foil off for the last 10 minutes.


B) Place artichokes in large pot with lid and cook on stove top, following the same instructions above.


*You can serve the m whole or cut in half length wise. If you are only making a few, cut the ingredients down accordingly

*save artichoke water and moisten artichokes if re-heating

*when done, if any stuffing seems dry, add more melted butter.


Preparation of Artichokes: The recipe begins with preparing the artichokes by trimming the sharp points off the leaves, cutting the stems, and removing the top portion. The artichokes are then parboiled to soften them, making it easier to remove the choke and prepare them for stuffing.

Stuffing Mixture: A flavorful mixture is prepared using breadcrumbs, garlic, basil, parsley, grated cheese, melted butter, salt, and pepper. This mixture adds texture and taste to the stuffed artichokes, complementing their natural flavor.

Filling the Artichokes: Once the artichokes are cooled and cleaned, they are filled with the breadcrumb mixture, ensuring that the mixture is distributed evenly between the leaves and the center of each artichoke. This step requires care to ensure thorough filling without overpacking.

Cooking Options: The stuffed artichokes can be cooked using either the oven or stovetop method. In both cases, the artichokes are placed in a cooking vessel with water, covered tightly, and cooked until tender. The water helps to steam the artichokes, ensuring they remain moist during cooking.

Variation in Serving: The recipe provides the flexibility to serve the artichokes either whole or halved lengthwise, depending on preference or the number of servings needed. Adjustments to the ingredient quantities are suggested for smaller batches.

Tips for Moisture and Flavor: Tips are provided to enhance the moisture and flavor of the stuffed artichokes. This includes saving the artichoke water for moistening when reheating and adding more melted butter to any dry stuffing after cooking.

Adaptability: The recipe can be customized based on personal preferences or dietary restrictions. For example, variations in herbs or cheese can be used to tailor the flavor profile, and adjustments can be made for vegetarian or gluten-free options.

Cooking Time and Checking for Doneness: The recipe provides guidance on cooking time and how to check for doneness by ensuring the leaves are tender and easily pulled off. It also advises removing the lid or foil during the final minutes of cooking to allow for browning.

Cooking Vessels: The recipe suggests using either a deep roasting pan or a large pot with a lid for cooking, offering options based on available kitchen equipment.

Traditional Flavor Profile: Stuffed artichokes are a classic dish with a rich and savory flavor profile. The combination of breadcrumbs, cheese, herbs, and butter complements the delicate taste of the artichokes, creating a satisfying and comforting dish.

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 650 kcal | Carbohydrates: 43 g | Fiber: 8.5 g | Protein: 32 g | Fat: 29.25 g | Calcium: 150 mg

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use frozen artichokes instead of fresh ones?

While fresh artichokes are preferred for this recipe, you can use frozen artichokes in a pinch.

However, the texture and flavor may differ slightly from fresh ones.

How do I know if an artichoke is ripe and ready to use?

Look for artichokes with tightly packed leaves and a vibrant green color.

Squeeze the artichoke; it should feel firm and heavy for its size.

Avoid artichokes with brown or dry leaves.

Can I make stuffed artichokes ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the stuffed artichokes ahead of time and refrigerate them before cooking.

When ready to cook, simply follow the baking or stove-top instructions outlined in the recipe.

What can I use instead of grated cheese for a dairy-free option?

If you prefer a dairy-free option, you can omit the grated cheese from the stuffing mixture.

Alternatively, you can use dairy-free cheese or nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor.

How long do stuffed artichokes last in the refrigerator?

Stuffed artichokes can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2-3 days.

Reheat them in the oven or microwave before serving.

Can I freeze stuffed artichokes for later use?

Yes, you can freeze stuffed artichokes before cooking.

Place them on a baking sheet in a single layer until firm, then transfer them to a freezer-safe container or bag.

When ready to cook, thaw them overnight in the refrigerator before baking or stove-top cooking.

Can I use pre-made breadcrumbs instead of making them from scratch?

Yes, you can use pre-made breadcrumbs instead of making them from scratch.

However, Italian breadcrumbs typically have added seasoning, so adjust the salt and pepper accordingly in the stuffing mixture.

What should I serve with stuffed artichokes?

Stuffed artichokes can be served as a main dish or as a side dish alongside grilled chicken, fish, or steak.

They also pair well with a side salad or roasted vegetables.

How can I tell when stuffed artichokes are fully cooked?

Stuffed artichokes are fully cooked when the leaves are tender and pull off easily.

Test for doneness by gently pulling on a leaf near the center; it should come off with little resistance.

Can I customize the stuffing ingredients to suit my taste preferences?

Yes, feel free to customize the stuffing ingredients to your liking.

You can add ingredients like chopped sun-dried tomatoes, pine nuts, olives, or cooked sausage for additional flavor and texture.

Adjust the seasoning according to your taste preferences.

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