Homemade KFC Bowls


6 servings mashed potatoes

1 24 oz package popcorn chicken cooked

1 15 oz can corn drained and heated

1 pkg beef gravy cooked

2 cups shredded cheddar cheese


Make 6 servings of instant mashed potatoes (or make your own homemade).

Cook popcorn chicken according to package.

Heat up your corn in the microwave or on stovetop, your preference.

Make your gravy, we use a brown gravy packet.

Assemble bowls by layering potatoes, corn, chicken, gravy and then top with shredded cheddar cheese.


You can use instant mashed potatoes or make your own homemade version.

You can also use Mac and cheese for this recipe as KFC also has a Mac and cheese bowl, just omit the corn and gravy.

You can use chicken strips for this recipe, just cut them into pieces to top bowls.

We use beef gravy, but you can use your favorite gravy.

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